Gov. of Sierra Leone’s Education Data Hub
The implementation of the Government of Sierra Leone’s flagship Free Quality Education Program relies on accurate data, state-of-the-art analytics and near real-time decision support tools across all levels.
This Data Hub currently connects the Annual School Census (Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, 2019) and the National Examination Results (West African Examination Council, 2016-2022). It serves as a tool to support decision making through an evidence-based and data-driven process for research, informed policy, planning and evaluation of interventions across 11 thousand schools and 2 million students in Sierra Leone.
My Role
Developed and managed a data processing, cleaning and analysis pipeline that powers the analytics on the hub. The task involved collecting data from disparate sources (ministries, departments, agencies, examinations and statistics institutions) and file types (csv, xlsx, sql etc), transform into a single format, apply cleaning and analysis functions and expose insight into csv file type and rest api.
Tools 🛠️
- Python
- PostgresSQL
- scikit-learn (predict school performance score in national exams)
- Django restframework
- Jupyter notebook